Okay. I'm going to speak frankly for many, MANY of my colleagues in ministry who are experiencing many of the same issues I see in my congregation and community. In the process, I am, no doubt, going to offend many people who I love very much.
Sorry, but here goes.
"We all have to remember that we can't let our love of the games get ahead of the core values, and we know that happens often. This is a painful, painful reminder that awful things can happen when that occurs."- MARK EMMERT, president of the N.C.A.A., announcing sanctions against Penn State University after the child sexual abuse scandal.

"Sports do not build character, they reveal it." - JOHN WOODEN, former coach, UCLA men's basketball (and quite possibly the best coach ever in any sport)
There is one morning more than any other when people in this society once gathered to celebrate life, faith, community and love. On this morning, we affirmed our shared values, challenged our assumptions, encouraged each other to stand up for the down-trodden, the afflicted and the weak, and we shared ancient and current examples of humanity at its best and its worst. We instructed our children regarding a loving, plugged-in Supreme Being, and celebrated every child of God. It used to be the one one-hour period when we could bring almost everyone together to re-group, re-frame and re-affirm. Some of us still gather on Sunday mornings.
Saddened by the state of society and sport?
Take a look in the friggin' mirror.
Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy. - Exodus 20:8