I have borrowed a concept from a colleague and friend. The West Bloomfield UCC congregation submits faith n' religion questions that I do my best to answer. We collected our first round of questions last Sunday. Here they are with my humble answers:
How do you define “Christian?”
This is a question millions upon millions through the centuries have struggled with, fought over and died from. Let's start at the foundation:

The word Christian contains the word Christ from the Greek Kristos, meaning “anointed one.” This is the Greek term for the Jewish “messiah.” The suffix -ian is derived from the latin iani, meaning “a partisan of,” like Caesariani means “partisan of Caesar.” So Christian means partisan of the Christ.
The word Christian only appears twice in the entire Bible, and both times rather negatively! Early believers instead used terms like saints, brothers, disciples, and followers of the way. So it is unlikely that the followers of Jesus originated the term Christian.
Likewise, it certainly wouldn't have been 1st Century Jews who originated the term, since the name CHRISTian assumes that Jesus is the Christ, which most Jews denied. Rather, it appears Roman officials in Antioch may have coined the term to distinguish the Jesus movement from Judaism, and they probably meant it as an insult. Within several decades, the followers of Christ would wear that insult as a badge of honor, beginning to identify themselves as Christian.
The long and bloody history of our faith focuses a great deal on the definition of Christian, and, most specifically, on who ISN'T one. So many litmus tests and arbitrary rules of faith have been negatively applied to the term that many modern people of faith shy away from the label completely! As for me, I think I'd return to the original term and define Christian rather widely as anyone who would follow the teachings of Jesus as a self-identified partisan of the Christ. Or more precisely: A Christian, to me, is one who recognizes in some form the messiah-ship of Jesus, and desires and consistently attempts to bring his/her own life into harmony with his teachings.
It seems an unfathomable mystery that our Bibles are very nearly silent on the topic of Christ's childhood, and we would dearly love to know more about his first years! But, logically, it is perfectly understandable that we do not. Consider the following:
We know little or nothing about the childhood of any Biblical character, except when some element or experience of that childhood is central to some point being made. What was it like for Moses being raised by an Egyptian princess? We have no idea. How did David pass his time as a five year old? Not a clue. Was John the Baptist a wild child? Beats me. Did Paul get along well with his mom and dad? Can't tell you for sure. Sure, we know that Ishmael and Isaac suffered rivalry and travails as children, but those stories are central to historic assertions the Biblical author is stressing. More often than not, childhood experiences are not documented because they weren't seen as vital to the message.
Most of the first followers of Christ didn't deem his childhood important enough to write about. Why? Some historians say that infant mortality rates were so high in those days that emphasis was placed only on birth (for lineage) and then on “coming of age” around 12 years old (successful survival to one's pro-creative years), with not a lot of societal attention or energy devoted to what we would today consider the vital, formative years of early childhood. It's true. Two of our four Gospels don't even have accounts of Jesus' birth (Mark and John)! Paul, who authored our oldest New Testament scriptures, addresses only the adult ministries and teachings of Christ. What mattered to the first generations of Christians were Jesus' very adult messianic claims and his teachings.
Those who assembled what we now call the New Testament saw no value in preserving stories of Christ's childhood. There are other Gospels out there that didn't make the cut when Christian leaders were deciding what would go into our Bibles and what would not. Some of them have stories of Jesus' childhood. Most of them seem kind of wild and pretty goofy. We aren't missing much by their exclusion, it would seem. So, what we have instead are two stories of Christ's birth (in Matthew and Luke, to prove his Jewish pedigree and assert God's intention from the start), and his experience at Temple as a pubescent boy (showing him entering public life as – at the least – an already unique and profound religious thinker).

I don't believe in the virgin birth or the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Does this mean that I'm not really a Christian?
Can those who would call themselves Christians be skeptical of basic tenets of the faith? Good question. Let me first frame my answer by referring back to my personal definition of Christian above, as one who recognizes the messiah-ship of Jesus in some form and who thus desires and consistently attempts to bring his/her life and relationships into harmony with Christ's teachings.
There are prominent sects of Christianity that insist a belief in the Virgin Birth is necessary for all “true Christians.” It is, for example, an essential element of Roman Catholic doctrine. If you don't believe in the Virgin Birth, you probably shouldn't consider Roman Catholicism or any of the more conservative Protestant sects. There are other branches of Christianity in which this is not considered a make-or-break issue, as they believe Mary need not have been a virgin for God and she to bring forth the messiah. Controversial? Yes. Universally accepted? No.
Not believing in the resurrection of Jesus is stickier, as the Gospel writers insist that the physical resurrection happened, and is an important part of our core traditions. Jesus is real. He is there. The apostles touch him. He eats a piece of fish (Luke 24:41-43).
But you specified bodily resurrection, didn't you? Perhaps you're thinking about 1 Corinthians 15 in which Paul argues clearly that the resurrection one must believe in and embrace as a follower of Christ is a Spiritual Resurrection?
The Gospel writers take great pains to describe Christ's resurrection as both a physical and spiritual event. Paul, on the other hand, speaks of Jesus “appearing” to many, and seems to rally around resurrection as a spiritual phenomenon. If you doubt that Jesus returned with a beating heart, breathing lungs, churning digestive system and all the mundane processes, functions and practical requirements associated with a mortal body, I would suggest there is still room for you in the mystery of the Christian faith. After all, Christ does seem to be in a strange state when Mary Magdalene meets him (she doesn't recognize him until he calls her by name, and then he tells her not to hang onto him), he moves through locked doors and might suddenly disappear when recognized. Couldn't these details speak of something above and beyond a mere physical resurrection? Sure they could.
However, if you deny completely the return in any form after death of Christ and disbelieve his promise to his followers of a new life in some form beyond this world, I can see no good or compelling reason to consider yourself Christian.
"However, if you deny completely the return in any form after death of Christ and disbelieve his promise to his followers of a new life in some form beyond this world, I can see no good or compelling reason to consider yourself Christian."
ReplyDeleteWell, Bro, I believe this statement derives from your calling as a deep believer. Maybe there would be no good or compelling reason why a person with such a belief set SHOULD consider him/herself a Christian, but I would not say it excludes him/her. As you said, different sects have different requisite beliefs to fit their definition of "Christian".
As you know, I don't call myself a Christian anymore for precisely this reason- too many definitions and too much import on whether one does or does not profess adherence to another's beliefs.
For me, a Christian should be one who consciously assumes the spirit of the teachings and acts of Jesus as one if not the only guiding inspiration in his conduct. I think a Christian is one who, to the best of her abilities, follows the example of Christ. If that person can not suspend her disbelief enough to accept the resurrection, or even the divinity, of Jesus, yet behaves consciously as a follower, I say yes, he or she is a Christian if he or she wants to say so.
Maybe they won't feel comfortable in a given church or discussing beliefs with many types of professed Christians, but they would still make damned good neighbors. And they would probably be less likely to judge me, denigrate me or exclude me for my beliefs.
I've known some professed atheists that were better Christians in deed than many who profess their Christianity in words. To follow Jesus, one need not accept any church's dogma or tenets. One need only conduct themselves by Christ's example. My opinion. That's all.
No offense to you, dad or Uncle Corey- there's a lot of words here and I didn't read them all. So I'm just gonna go off the "Virgin Mary" question and my dad's response.
ReplyDeleteAm I a Christian? I think so. I believe in Christ. I believe that he existed and he changed people's lives? Yes. I just don't believe everything that's said about the guy, like his mom was a virgin. I won't go into specifics on that matter in case I offend someone.
I guess I'm kind of like my father and I never knew exactly what his beliefs were after we stopped going to church. There's too many variations of Christianity for it to all make sense to me; all of the different denominations, etc. I believe that Christianity instills a basic sense of morals in a person. I started going to church at 9 and base a lot of my morals, ethics, or whatever else make me who I am today. I don't steal, cheat, or lie (anymore). Christianity has helped me become who I am today. Once I confirmed, I decided I gained all that I needed from church and decided to believe what I believe on my own.
Do I pray still? Almost daily. I know that there's something bigger than life out there watching over me, helping me. I believe that I've seen proof of the existence of God in my life.
I find this post/discussion particularly interesting as it touches on many of the questions that I have had in the past, and come up with my own (sometimes different) answers to.
ReplyDeleteA few years ago I realized that I didn't really fit the definition of "Christian" given above. I try to be a good person, and I think that following Jesus' example is a great way to work toward improving oneself. However, I view much of his story as a metaphorical lesson in how to improve the world. I see the gospel as a message that: from responsibility and good intentions come great things (the Virgin Birth), that we are capable of much more than we are lead to believe(Christ's miracles), that the Goodness of the universe is offered to all who work for it, regardless of they are (the crucifiction and idea of salvation), and that nothing- not even death and oppression- can stop this holy goodness once it has been shared(the Resurrection.) I believe that Jesus was a real person, and that he created one of the greatest spiritual/social/even-somewhat-political movement of all time despite having many strikes against him. I believe that he lived in some sort of after-life or existance (as I believe we all do) and through his teachings that have helped billions throughout the millenia. I believe that the promise of salvation has little to do with the afterlife and much to do with how we impact the world we are in right now. Could it be that Jesus died not to save us, but to teach us how to save ourselves?
Is this unconventional? Probably. Most people in the nation would tell me that I am wrong, but if a person tries to live a good life and follow the example of Jesus and his disciples, could she really be that different in how she treats others than a good Christian?
ReplyDeleteYou said everything I wanted to say, just better.
I still define myself as a Christian, because for me being a Christian is following the way, the truth and the life that Christ showed us. It has nothing at all to do with whether or not I believe in the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, or a literal understanding of the miracles. I agree with Claudette that these are metaphors. I think they point to a deeper understanding of things that we are still not able to fathom.
ReplyDeleteJesus was not the only one who was claimed to have been born of a virgin, who was said to have performed miracles, who was crucified and claimed to have risen from the dead. These kinds of stories were the way they had of saying, "This is a very important person. Listen to what he has to say. Follow him!"
When we get all involved with the rest of the stuff we lose sight of what is ultimately important - that the only way this world can be saved is by following the path that Jesus (and Buddha and Mohamed and other religious leaders) showed us - the path of LOVE!!!
The message is the same - love, love, love. It is found in all the major religions. That message can unite us. The deification of the messenger divides us.
Is Jesus the son of God? Yes. Just as we are all children of God. He taught us to pray, "Our Father ..." We need to take that kinship with God seriously, and see all others as our sisters and brothers.
Do I believe in miracles? Yes. I believe that God is active in our world. Do I believe in the power of pray? Yes, but I don't presume to know what is in God's plan, nor do I believe that I can change that plan. I pray, "Thy will, not mine be done."
When Jesus said that we would do all the things that he did, and more also, I believe that. I believe that happens when we open ourselves to allowing God to work through us, not by anything that we do to make things happen. It is the opening up to God's grace that is important, not any ritual or special words, but an opening up to allowing the power of God to flow through us to others. We don't have to do anything but let God be God.
Claudette, I wouldn't call this unconventional. I would call it mature faith. We need to grow in our faith to the point where it is not dependent on all the extra "stuff" and get down to basics - Love God with your whole being and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
I like the quote from Romans 12 on the new banner in church: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds..."
I believe that Jesus died to teach us how to save ourselves. Are we listening?
Excellent comments, all. Joan, I am so pleased you have joined us on this blog! An excellent neighborhood is that much better for your moving in!
ReplyDeleteI want to clear up what I think might be a misinterpretation of my initial post: when I wrote: "I can see no good or compelling reason to consider yourself Christian" if you didn't accept some sort of spiritual resurrection and some form of annointed status of Christ, I meant precisely that. I did not intend to suggest exclusion at all, but, rather, a spiritual life beyond the particular label "Christian." The first followers of Jesus didn't use that label anyway. Why should you or I be tied to it?
The Spiritual Resurrection of the Christ, as suggested by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, is more about his continued presence in our world: his life, soul and teachings living on in the work and word of his disciples. I personally have encountered the risen Christ in many people, places and situations, and in times of profound prayer/meditation.
Messiah means "annointed one." That is, someone singled out and empowered by God to move humanity forward to a more blessed place. A messiah in the strictest definition of the word need not have been born of a virgin or have been bodily resurrected from the grave. Maybe I didn't communicate that stance clearly enough.
So I'll rephrase my initial intended point:
If you do not accept Christ as living on in the good work of his followers, and you don't recognize Jesus as sharing with us the message and wisdom of a loving, eternal God, is the label "Christian" really your best choice?
That's what I thought I wrote, anyway. Peace to you all. Let's keep conversing!
He is risen! He is risen indeed. He is risen in our deeds. Christ lives in each and every one of us.
ReplyDeleteThat I can live with.