Saturday, October 11, 2008

Where's the Honor?!?!?

I just spent a most detestable hour reading through blogs and watching videos from the presidential campaigns. This is ridiculous and brutal. The hatred, half-truths and outright fabrications meant to assassinate character and prejudice voters is reprehensible. There is no honor in any candidate allowing such activities to take place in their OUR name!

I read up on the candidates' positions on important issues. I followed their statements at debates. I take each at their word on their plans for the nation. I made my choice and am ready for the voting booth.

I do not appreciate the desperate, win-at-all-cost politics of innuendo and character assassination. I do not like cheap shots and impossibly twisted "facts" in front of hand-picked, hate-filled crowds. I do not care for these assaults on the democratic process.

I am ashamed for those who apparently have no shame of their own.


  1. (Kendall here, still having to publish under "anonymous".)

    Ditto, Bro. But pundits will tell you that is the democratic process in action. When I think of Democracy, I think of the senators who wore togas in the Greek senate. Perhaps pundits are inured to the savagry and pettiness of the modern process.

    I made up my mind and was ready for the lever before my candidate even announced he would run. After putting down his autobiography, I said, "That man should be our president someday." Still, I listened to the candidates and weighed their words, checked their facts. He has held up well.

    I visit It is a progressive, or liberal if you must, blog. While there are some adolescent antics from time to time, I find it mostly fair, well-researched and factual. The site is also critical of representatives on the Left that it finds failing. dailykos strives to have its facts straight and requires attributions before allowing postings from contributors. Some of our government officials and media persons such as Keith Obermann have contributed. It is worth a look.

    I haven't found an equally balanced conservative blog. If anyone knows one, I'll take a peek. Please, don't tell me "littlegreenfootballs" is balanced. Or the DrudgeReport.

    There has been some playing fast and loose with the truth during this campaign on both sides. But for me, one side has been much more untruthful and incendiary.

    I'm voting for the other side.

  2. I don't know about a conservative blog, but I find the columns of David Brooks to be sane and well reasoned... George Will's columns typically are well thought out, also.

  3. well I'm trying this for the first time. It's almost voting time and I'm not sure what I will do

  4. It's voting day! Thank God it is finally here! Let's all go out there and vote our convictions, not our fears...
